Sunday, May 2, 2010

'Stone' Kasab

Tomorrow is the Judgment day for the lone alive 26/11 accused Ajmal Kasab. He might be thinking of the Qamayat- the Final judgment day. What was simple act of terrorism for all Indians and the world at large, for him and his mentors sitting across the border (perhaps also for some in the country) it was an act of martyrdom- Jihad as they call it.

But since his acts were motivated by his interpretation of Islam, he should be punished in the classic way as preached in Islam. It is wrong for the media or citizens to influence the Judgment, I would like to advice Judge M L Tahaliyani to order to 'stone him to death' by general public, especially by the relatives of those killed in the terror attacks.

I wish and pray that good sense and Islam prevails in this case, and the court is willing to deviate from the Constitution to follow classic Islamic method of prosecution.

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